Rukovodstvo Po Remontu Avtomobilya Daihatsu Applause

Toyota aygo, citroen c1, peugeot 106, suzuki splash, subaru jasti, daihatsu sirion, tai auto su vienu varikliu 1.0. Seip labai smagus masiniukai, ipac miestui. Kuro sanaudos iki 5.5 mieste. As savo zmonai nupirkau suzuki splash 2009m rida 30000km biski dauzta, suremontuota kainuos 13000lt(cia bus savikaina). FileName Description Content-Type; the blessed marriage: no short description the blessed marriage because this is pdf file: PDF file: the blessed marriage: no short description t.

I looked a lot on internet as well as on my car's fuse boxes under the hood and behind the dashboard box but I am unable to locate the FUEL PUMP RELAY. Can you pelase help me find that. It is Move 2014. My flash recovery serial key. I have purchased a reconditioned ED20 engine for my 1998 Daihatsu Move. I urgently need to locate the appropriate Workshop Repair Manual so the engine can be installed.


Can anybody advise where I might purchase the correct manual. (in English), preferably on CD but otherwise a hard copy.