Programma Rascheta Plotnosti Nefteproduktov

Programma Rascheta Plotnosti Nefteproduktov

Key words: drilling fluid, well drilling, chemical agents and materials, testing. The analysis of techniques for testing of chemical agents and materials, used for drilling fluids treatment while oil and gas wells drilling, has been carried out. Special attention has been paid to such physical and chemical properties of chemical agents and materials that are not defined in the course of testing which can result in incorrect evaluation of their quality or cause complications while drilling. Improved techniques for testing of lignosulfonate thinning agents, silver graphite and barite weighting have been suggested. Keywords: casing of oil well, expanding cement slurry, technology of casing, quality of casing, strength of cement stone. Modern requirements to reliability and durability of construction of well cause needs to develop the technologies and materials for its building.

It is very important in reliability of the construction of well to get strong and tight cement stone located behind the casing. In the course of well completion and its exploitation the cement stone perceives the considerable loadings having constant, periodical and short-term character. Key words: rationality criterion of development, fields development, the market economy. The correspondence of the designed development system with qualifying standards should be confirmed by the criterion of rationality of the development system. The rationality criteria for the planned and market economies are considered. The shortcomings of the criterion for market economy are noted and attempts to improve it are undertaken. The maximum possible profit from the field development is recommended to use as a rationality criterion in the market economy conditions.

Kak vivesti iz organizma disuljfiram (In Russian); Grashichev N.K. Zakonomernosti tusheniya nefteproduktov. Metodika i avtomatizirovannaya programma opredeleniya koeffitsienta Shezi «S» i. Potapov A.D., Potapov I.A., Shimenkova A.A. Rol' plotnosti — vlazhnosti v. Samarin O.D., Azivskaya S.S. Printsipy rascheta nestatsionarnogo teplovogo.

Key words: capillary pressure, centrifugation method, data processing. In paper laws of expulsion of wetting fluid from samples of rocks are investigated at method application for capillary pressure definition. It is erected, that at a standard centrifugation method achievement of the capillary pressures exceeding one atmosphere is physically impossible.

Advancing of the method envisioning increase of initial stress in core holder of a centrifuge is offered. Abundant errors are analyzed at interpretation of centrifugation data and the method raising reliability of treating of these data is tendered. Key words: liquid level, gas acoustic wave velocity, bottomhole pressure. When defining the liquid level, inaccuracies simply arise from the fact that wrong specifications are chosen for the acoustic wave velocity that is later on used in the interpretation of recorded measurements. Main objective of this paper is to evaluate results of collected sample data in the attempt of a field-wide research-campaign eager to precisely locate the dynamic level and simultaneously identify the acoustic wave velocity within the annular gas. To determine velocity we made use of sophisticated speedometer measurements tracking down the acoustic signal reflected from down-hole tubing couplings.