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Status: LICENSED License Expires: Status Date: Facility Id: 67766 Community of License: JOPLIN, MO Service: Digital TV Facility Type: Commercial Television Station [CDT] Licensee: NEXSTAR BROADCASTING, INC. Licensee Address: 545 E.

JOHN CARPENTER FREEWAY SUITE 700 IRVING, TX 75062 (972)373-8800 [phone] Main Studio Address: 1502 Cleveland Joplin,MO 812345 Ext. Closed Captioning Contact: Jerry Martin Chief Engineer 1502 Cleveland Joplin, MO 64801 417-781-2345 [phone] 417-782-2417 [fax] General Resources.

Well, I'm a little confused as to how this seems to have totally blindsided the previous maintainer of this package who then orphaned it in frustration. -_- At this point in time we seem to have a couple pages worth of both styles in the AUR plus a maintainer who was driven away. So I wash my hands of it (I don't use any themes but I notice when requests like this appear: ) Choose one, stick to it, merge the other in if necessary and don't keep two versions lingering around in some confusing limbo for weeks or months to trip everyone up.

And people, don't spend several years debating in the comments about whether the package should be renamed. -_- frealgagu commented on 2018-03-25 13:58. Yes it is true that I've decided to rename the package.


I've asked about which name to choose in the TU chat and the other members told me that I should not care about AUR, as 'it is unsupported'. I used the naming convention of the other themes[0] at that time. Arc Theme Arc is a flat theme with transparent elements for GTK 3, GTK 2 and GNOME Shell which supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments like GNOME, Unity, Budgie, Pantheon, Xfce, MATE, etc. The black keys album torrent download.

I just installed Arch with Awesome and I'm looking for a flat (no 3D effects or shading on the buttons or anything) and dark minimalist GTK theme. If I remember correct there was only one theme available, so I wanted to continue this naming convention. Users received updates of the package, as I've added a replace= flied. You are correct that the name is not the same anymore as it was in the AUR, but nobody had any problems with the change.

And I am not responsible of naming it different to the other arch themes in the first place. So what is your problem? Are you trying to say that we should keep the AUR package name 'gtk-theme-arc-git'? Are you just complaining about the [community] package name?

I personally do not care about the AUR name, I just wanted to provide a proper PKGBUILD so people understand what I mean by split package. Feel free to do the change how you think it is best. The hint about merging is very important. [0] Eschwartz commented on 2018-03-25 11:23. NicoHood: If we're going opinions, my opinion is that your chosen name for the community package sucks and is unintuitive. It is hardly 'wrong' of this package to have existed since long before you uploaded the community package (mid-2015 rather than the end of 2016).