Portable Zimbra Desktop Windows
Zimbra Desktop Description for Windows 10. Zimbra Desktop is a free and open source email client application that gives you online and offline access to all your email accounts in one place.
Sometimes you need to put a little order in your life, plan events, have a register of your e-mails and be able to quickly access the information about any of your contacts. Zimbra Desktop is a free and open codex utility for Windows that allows you to do all these tasks and others related to the organization and consultation of your personal information. Zimbra Desktop includes an e-mail client, a calendar with an event register, a list of pending tasks, an address notebook and a personal bloc note.
You can search for each of these things, obtaining almost instant results, allowing you to optimize the time you spent in locating any e-mail or contact. All of this makes Zimbra Desktop an interesting application that's worth the try!
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