Samsung Clp 315 Firmware Update
Menu Hacking the Samsung CLP-315 Laser Printer 03 March 2012 on Arduino, CLP-315, Hack, I2C, Printer. I am the happy owner of a Samsung CLP-315 laser printer. It is a fantastic printer for the price. Things were going great until it came time to replace the toner. Last updated: April 4, 2010. Manufacturer: Samsung. Filename: CLP-310_Print.exe. File size: 29.1 MB. OS: Windows Vista / 7. Filed in: Printers.
Http:// ---------- There are two different print engines used in the CLP-300. One for 2006, and a different one starting in 2007. I have the older 2006 printer, and the current firmware is only for the new 2007+ print engine.
I talked to Samsung support here in Korea and fixed the problem. They sent me to their special tech support website at (only in Korean) and I was able to download an older version of the firmware which restored my printing ability. The latest version of firmware that worked with my printer was found in this post: Download the two files at the top, then extract the archive. Drag-n-drop the correct firmware file onto 'usblist2.exe' and the printer will be flashed with the firmware (must be connected via USB if you're using the CLP-300N model).
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Posted on Jun 14, 2009.
Tango software for construction. Posted in - 19 July 2010 - 126 comments Samsung’s CLP-315 (and CLP-310) are the smallest and cheapest laser color printers around. They just suffer one problem: Samsung protected it against generic toners and its expensive original consumables totally counter-balance the hardware low price.
As each page is counted in both toner and printer, refills are also not possible. Printing 1000 white pages will require a new toner: unacceptable and definitively not a ‘green’ product (see ). Modifying your printer will allow you to extend your consumables life, or, if you want to risk your health and printer hardware, refill them. Current chip market Many chips can be found, with or without refill kits, on ebay. Prices range from $20 to 49$.
Seems Samsung changed the gameplay by updating and reinforcing the mainboards, as some chips states working only on units prior to July 2009. Some claim disabling the CLP-315W wifi. By looking at installation pictures, seems that they all target the same IC, using 3 to 7 wires. 5 wires chip from Turkey Some 5 wire chip from china.
Note that an IC is removed. Another version with 7 wires from china. And one 3 wires chip.
No IC removal. Lots of different modchips, and lots of behaviours but we can guess from them: • The IC is the key • Removing the IC breaks WiFi • Toners chips contacts needs to be taped or removed. About the protection The CLP-300 (previous model) was using cylindrical toner cartridges including chips.
Replacement chips can be found and some people managed to directly on those. The CLP-310/315 now includes an internal counter to avoid reprogrammed old toners.
The printer stores counts in both toner and IC (the target of the modchips). Some google results also states that the first toners have no chip counter (where 4×3 pins contacts from the printer toner door connects to), and those ones can’t be refilled with the 3 wire chips once they are depleted. The printer starts verifying the toners after the first 1000 pages. If there’s no need of tweaking toners on new printers, can the printer IC be reset? I did not found much resources about this, except one linking to a no longer available russian page. What could be understood (less than a little), is that it seems possible to achieve bocking the counter by just unsoldering one and joining two pins of the IC.