Red Alert 2 Deezire 80 Download

MooMan's Rules MooMan's Rules is a modification, or 'mod' for the computer game Command & Conquer: Red alert 2 and it's expansion pack Yuri's Revenge. It's primary focus is to modify the game into a more enjoyable experience for people who like to see additional units and structures to choose from in the game. Also you will make use of a plethoria of unused or created music, sounds and animations that never made it into the final game, sort of like an expansion pack in itself.

I was attempting to model MooMan's Rules into something Westwood/EA Pacific would do in their own expansion packs, and with the limitations of the Red alert 2 engine this can be a daunting task. This is V3.0 of the mod. I intend this version to be the final revision and hopefully can settle down into other projects of my own while you guys enjoy what I have created. V3.0 was designed as a major overhall to combine the RA2 and YR versions of the mod into a single download that is duel compatible with both games, and attempt to make almost all gameplay additions available to both versions. I have also fixed a number of bugs reported by the fans of the mod and done a few graphical and balancing tweaks here and there to make sure the mod is as enjoyable as it can be. Don't expect too much more than the past versions additions, as I really have done all that I can to forfill the goal of creating MooMan's Rules.

Nov 9, 2018 - Over 80 new units and buildings. Download Red Alert 2 deezire Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 mods, skirmish games take on a whole.

Mod Features: - Full duel support with Red alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge! - More special country units/structures added! - Many obsolete maps enabled for more gaming fun! (YR Tech Expansion only) - 4 new Tech Buildings added in and many existing Westwood maps modified to include them!

(Tech Expansion only) - 8 NEW skirmish and online game modes. - Includes the unique Assault Game Mode (Assault Expansion only) - Full online (Internet and LAN) compatibility!

- AI now is more of a challange, building larger forces and uses many of the new units and structures. - Enables a number of obsolete code, graphics, sounds and animations!

~MooMan65 MooMan's Rules Designer. Programma dlya risovaniya stellazhej.

Version 2.0 Red Alert 2: Intelligence Tech is an unofficial modification (mod) for Red Alert 2: Yuri’s Revenge. Created by: Wiwi-maX, 2015-2018. You may not making any modifications on this mod, and publish as yours.

For every part which you need to use, you must credit Wiwi-maX. This mod includes: Ares - A Yuri's Revenge Expansion DLL v2.0 To play this mod you only need clean install of: - Red Alert 2 v1.006, - Yuri’s Revenge v1.001. Be sure that you have no any additional file to your RA2 (game installation) folder before installation! Red Alert 2, and its expansion pack Yuri’s Revenge are registered products and trademarks of their respective owners. (Electronic Arts).