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Lab in pascal. Topic - Arrays. Task: Dan-dimensional integer array A consisting of N elements (0 u003cN u003c0 u003cA[i] u003c10000). Ostortirovat array in ascending order.
Software tango pcb software. Example: Please choose way of writing array '1' for random write '2' for write by hand your choose: 2 please enter the count of array: 10 a (1) = 1 a (2) = 3 a (3) = 2 a (4) = 4 a (5) = 5 a (6) = 6 a (7) = 7 a (8) = 9 a (9) = 8 a (10) = 4 count of array = 10 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 9 8 4 count of array = 10 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9.