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Author by: Francis Hutabarat, PhD Languange: en Publisher by: BookRix Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 92 Total Download: 345 File Size: 46,9 Mb Description: The world is currently in crisis, a financial crisis of 2008 up to 2012. The phenomena of financial crisis is not new, as the world experienced it on 1930's Great Depression, not to mention in the late 1980s and the famous 1996-2000 Asian financial crisis that held Indonesia and most countries in Asia in monetary crisis.
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Is there a way for countries to turn this? International Monetary Fund (IMF) came as a solution to cure those countries in need of fund that includes Indonesia.
Indonesia is not cured. However, in 2012 Indonesia declared their pledge to IMF of 1 Billion dollar in terms of bonds and even the Indonesian president by UN Secretary-General is appointed as High-level Panel advisor of Millennium Development Goals beyond 2015.
What is the relevancy of Indonesia pledge to IMF of 1 Billion dollar in the midst of world financial crisis? This paper looks at the world financial crisis from Indonesian perspective. Author by: Ford Lumban Gaol Languange: en Publisher by: CRC Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 52 Total Download: 964 File Size: 44,8 Mb Description: The 2015 International Congress on Economics, Social Sciences and Information Management (ICESSIM 2015), held 28-29 March 2015 in Bali, Indonesia, aimed to provide a platform for the sharing of valuable knowledge and experience in the context of changing economics and social settings. Information technology has changed many aspects in our life, including how we communicate, working, socializing, education, and business.
Along with the improvement of internet, information management is very important to keep the economy moving in a positive direction and to monitor social change in society. Information management business refers to the definition of control of the business by utilizing Internet media / Information Technology to conduct business activities, or carrying out our business activities online.
To utilize internet in economics, business and socializing, collaborations between engineering, the social sciences, and economics are absolutely necessary. Researchers should be more active in conducting research in all the fields and collaborating between one another across disciplines. This proceedings volume contains contributions on the topics of business, economics, development studies, social sciences, and information technology, and will be of interest to a range of scholars, academics, practitioners, and business managers.